Why Swift is the #1 iOS Programming Language

Why Swift is the #1 iOS Programming Language

At the core of elegance, we find simplicity. Consider the three-legged chair, "All You Need is Love" by the Beatles, or Flappy Bird (okay, maybe not Flappy Bird). Successful businesses put a lot of energy into making sure their customer journey as seamless and often as simple as possible. Enter Swift, our beloved iOS programming language of choice.

A couple posts back, we looked at 3 Perks of Choosing Shopify for Ecommerce. This week, we're making the case for why Swift is the best iOS programming language.

3 Reasons Swift is the Best iOS Development Language

When it comes to choosing an Apple programming language, you cetainly have options. React Native, Java, Flutter... the list goes on. In certain circumstances, these languages may even be more appropriate than Swift. So what makes Swift our favorite iOS development language overall? For the answer to that, we need to think about control, accessibility, and elegance.

1. Precise Control

I asked our Lead Developer, Ryan Piechuta, to tell me a little about why the team uses Swift for mobile development. He had a lot to say about what sets this Apple programming language apart, including the following simple truth: "Swift just gives us more precise control."

As a native language, Swift doesn't present the obstacles within iOS that a third party application does. Instead of exerting the energy to navigate confusing back roads inside another iOS development language, Swift simplifies the process and allows developers to more closely control the final product.

2. Hardware Accessibility

Swift is contemporary. It was designed to keep up with the times, and then some. Apple's website says, "Using the incredibly high-performance LLVM compiler technology, Swift code is transformed into optimized native code that gets the most out of modern hardware."

Writing in a different language and using a compiler can be an option to consider. However, Ryan says that in his experience, "the compiler is always a bit buggy and a bit limiting." Swift provides "more ability to easily tap into the hardware functions of the phone." And that's a pretty important consideration.

3. Elegant Coding

When I hear the phrase, "great for getting started" (which is how Apple describes Swift), in reference to an area I'm fairly knowledgeable about, I admit I resist that. What... am I an amateur? Challenge me.

But even though Swift was designed to be an easily learned language, it would be a mistake to take it for anything less than a "fast and powerful.... successor to both the C and Objective-C languages (Apple)." The bottom line? Swift presents a winning combination of elegant and user-friendly, making it a favorite iOS programming language of developers the world over.

Web development is extremely complicated and there's no avoiding that. For many of us, that's a part of why it's such a compelling field. While it will never be a total breeze, the goal is always control, functionality, and an elegant final product. Swift makes the process of developing high-end digital products much easier on developers.

Ready to Harness the Top iOS Programming Language for Your Business?

Do you need help with your idea for an app, website, or other digital product? Chek Creative is a premier digital product studio with a history of partnering with small to medium-sized businesses to build groundbreaking products that scale. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions, comments, or ideas you may have. We look forward to hearing from you.

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