Treat People Like Partners, Not Clients

No one wants to be a client.

At Chek Creative, we work hard to make the best products for the people who need them. We’ve made apps, websites, and work with all the different moving parts that go into them—think photos, copywriting, graphic design, coding, and more.

Each day, our team wakes up and tackles the next task, even if it seems as mundane as coding the space between paragraphs on a homepage or adjusting how many words go into a paragraph. Why? Because we know that the people we’re working with would be giving the same level of care, energy, and passion to their website if they were the ones creating it.

But the people we work with aren’t the ones creating their website—we are. Chek Creative understands that, in this day and age, a company’s website is the new storefront. For some businesses, there isn’t anything more important than an online presence, but we know that a great website can help anyone in any industry. Knowing how vital websites and technology are to people fuels us to create excellent work every time.

This is why we’re hesitant to call the people we work with “clients.” It feels too sterile. To us, too many people view clients as tasks to complete. Money comes in, a website goes out. The relationship, if there was one at all, ends the moment the job is finished.

Chek Creative believes that business should be more than transactional. Chek Creative believes that people and businesses deserve the best products and the highest quality work ethic we can offer. Chek Creative believes that healthy businesses have warm relationships with the people around them. That’s why we prefer to think of the people we work with as partners, not clients.

Clients ask, pay, and get a lackluster end result. Partners are listened to, have their ideas explored, and experience a personal approach to their product. Partners are believed in. Clients are forgotten. Partners get the same quality of work as if their business was our own. Clients get another cookie from the cookie cutter.

In the technology and development industry, Chek Creative found that too many agencies were taking advantage of people: using peoples’ lack of experience to charge more while giving back less than they deserve. At Chek Creative, we never want to be associated with an experience like that.

Instead, Chek Creative wants you to understand the impact of your investment, desires to be transparent and informative, and finally, when the product is finished, wants to cheer as loudly as (or sometimes louder than) you do. After all, with a partnership mentality, everyone wins.

Interested in a partnership with Chek Creative? Or just looking for a way to turn your big idea into the next big thing? In any event, reach out and see what Chek Creative can do for you and your business.